1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the tiggi.es moderators.

  1. Don't be an Asshole - Violations of Rule #1 may result in a perma-ban if you are found violating it at the sole discretion of the moderators and admins. If you have questions about this rule, please ask.
  2. If you see something, say something. If there is an abusive federated instance, we can block them at the firewall. Report incidents to moderators or Admins. Tiggi.es is protected by YOU!
  3. This is an LGBTQIA+ and body positivity safe server. We do not discriminate on any of these traits. Anyone found doing so will receive a warning, then a ban.
  4. USE CONTENT WARNINGS - If posting anything that people who can see their screens in a professional environment may consider NSFW (porn, nudity,lewd), you are posting info that may contain TV or movie spoilers, you're shitposting, politics, or anything you would otherwise ask permission to share.
  5. Custom Emojos - If you would like a custom emoji/emojo added, contact an Admin along with a link to the graphic in the correct format and the tag (in between colons) that you would like. This isn't a rule per se, but there it is.
  6. "But mah 1st amendment rights!" Do not apply here. The first amendment applies only to the US government not retaliating for speech it disagrees with, not private entities. You are responsible for your own actions. We are a hate-free server.
  7. Do not post any content that is knowingly illegal in the state of Texas, The United States of America, or is beyond any possible form of good taste. You will be warned, and if grievous enough, yeeted into space upon subsequent infractions. (Account deleted)
  8. Be excellent to each other. You have a right to defend yourself if someone is not, but please see Rule #1. Treat folks with dignity and respect. Don't take pot-shots. But if someone on a crap instance starts something, feel free to end it before reporting them to an admin to be blocked.
  9. Fill out your profile completely. Don’t use a one liner. “I’m a cat from America, Mow” is not sufficient. If you need a guide, look at @LeoBurr. Also post an #introduction - It’s a sort of tradition/custom on Mastodon
  10. Assume good intent. Even if a comment or post rubs you the wrong way, let it linger and wait on your response. If it’s evident someone is being malicious, file a report and the admin staff will work it out with you.
  11. You must be at least 18 years old in order to have a Tiggi.es account. Tiggi.es is an 18+ only instance. As there is NSFW content here, we cannot allow under 18s to access it using our service.
  12. Any instance that reports SFW gay content coming from Tiggi.es will get rekt.
  13. Tiggi.es is not a kink/AD (After Dark) instance. While we do promote body positivity and sexuality, Tiggi.es isn't for accounts used primarily to post sexual/pornographic images. While those photos are absolutely permitted, they must be under CW and not the sole content.
  14. No AI-generated posts, AI-generated artwork is forbidden. A user must not knowingly or willingly post AI-generated content. The only exception is if the AI artwork is under a CW and is being used to mock AI art. We know AI art can sometimes be fun, but in the end, it cheapens our services.
  15. No profane usernames. I was hoping I wouldn't have to say this, but if you're going to put asshole, bitch, cock, etc. etc. in your username, this isn't the instance for you.
  16. Bots must use the Bots flag, respect the #nobots hashtag, and must not post more than once per hour.